On March 8th, 2024, the South Tees Conservative Association held our Annual General Meeting to elect new association officers. The meeting, which took place at Wilton Golf Club, saw the selection of individuals who will guide the party's efforts in the coming year.
Andrew Hixon continues to hold the role of Chairman, bringing with him a passion for grassroots organising and strategic planning. As Chairman, Andy will work closely with other officers and Campaign Managers to ensure effective communication and coordination across the Association.
Councillors Jack Symon and Carolyn Curr step into the positions of Deputy Chairmen, bringing diverse perspectives and fresh ideas to the table. Together, they will support the Chairman in executing the association's objectives and fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration with the membership and elected representatives.
Nick Fardon, entrusted with the role of Treasurer, brings financial acumen and responsibility to the forefront. Nick's expertise will be instrumental in managing the association's finances and resources efficiently.
Lynne Blackburn, Andy Murphy-Brown, and Valerie Beadnall have been elected as Constituency Representatives, reflecting the party's commitment to representing the interests of party members across the South Tees Federation. Their roles will involve engaging with local party members, addressing concerns, and organising association involvement at the grassroot level.
Officers old and new will continue to work hard in this critical election year as we fight both a looming General Election and a Local Mayoral and PCC Election in May. The association would also like to give a special mention and thanks to retiring officers and volunteers who have sadly have stepped down.